
Wednesday 6 July 2016

BY: Salati,T Alipate,V Tamiano,J


  1. thats so awsome but next time you can make it long this reminds me when i did a short video

  2. Morena Salati,
    WOW what a great animation! How many photos did you need to take to create your animation? It makes you realise how many photos movie makers use to create a whole animated movie! I like how you have used lego to create your animation. I like using lego too, playdough is also very good as you can get really creative with what you make, just like lego. Keep up the great work, animation is such a good way of telling stories in different ways.

  3. Talofa Lava Salati, my name is Avei and I'm a year 7 at Edmund Hillary School. That video that you made with your friend is so cool, and the lego things that you've created is amazing. Next time you should talk about the video so people can know what the video is about. If you make another video like this can you make it a little bit longer? Come visit my blog sometime later on

  4. Talofa lava Salati, My name is Chris and I am also a student from Edmund Hillary School but yr 6. I really liked your video it was fun to watch but maybe next time I suggest that it should be a little bit longer. Did you create that beat or get it off a site? Maybe you should sometime check out my blog just copy and paste it.

  5. great grahpics salati probaly you could do a little bit more


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